What is Testing?
Testing is an investigative tool used by fair housing organizations and government agencies to uncover illegal housing discrimination.
Testing is a simulated housing transaction designed to obtain evidence of any differential treatment based on protected classes. Typically, testing involves using people with similar profiles, but who differ in one protected characteristic, such as race. Common tests include responding to a rental or sale advertisement and viewing an advertised property.
Testing is a legitimate and necessary method of uncovering illegal housing discrimination. Without testing, most housing discrimination goes undetected.
Testing is not designed to trap the housing provider or encourage them to discriminate. Testers simply observe and record their experiences, similar to a secret shopper.
Who Can Be a Tester?
We need testers of age 18 and over, of ANY race, color, national origin, religion, sex/gender identity, familial status, and disability status.
Tester Requirements
- Testers must be age 18 and over, have no prior felony convictions or convictions of crimes involving fraud or perjury, and have no open cases with Alaska Legal Services.
- Testers must undergo a criminal background check.
- Testers must be reliable, detail-orientated, and able to complete assignments on time.
- Testers must not have an active real estate license or currently be a housing provider.
- Testers must attend a training session to learn how to perform a test. Trainings are scheduled on a periodic basis and last about two and a half hours. Testers will be eligible to receive test assignments after successfully completing the training and performing a practice test.
How Often Will I Test?
Testers are on an on-call, as-needed basis. Based on your profile, you may be contacted and asked to perform a test. You may be assigned several tests one month and none the next.
Is This a Volunteer or Paid Position?
All of our testers are paid $20/hour for all testing activities.
Who Should I Contact If I am Interested In Becoming a Tester?
Please call our toll free Fair Housing Hotline at 1-855-679- FAIR (3247). When prompted, press option 2, then leave your name and number so we may contact you. You can also click on the link here and fill out our interest form.